Monday, June 8, 2009

still makes me fume sometimes...

I've been cleaning and sorting various piles of clutter in my house this week. DH is on vacation, so I've taken advantage of the extra help to try and put things in order.

In one such pile, I just found this paper. It's a list of ideas for my business, from the days when I made and sold toys; the days when I thought our government was by the people and for the people; the days when I thought that members of congress actually represented the voters who elected them. Days of blissful ignorance, before I found out about CPSIA.

So I promptly crumpled it into the condition you see here. If it can't be used for the ideas written on it, it might as well be used for therapy.


maya said...


Whimsical Walney said...

Good therapy & then un-scrunch it and save it for another time. The ideas will always be good ones they just may not happen when we'd like.

Anonymous said...

The government doesn't care. They think it's a good idea. You think they care about the WAHM artist. They don't. You're just a number, I hate to say it.

And people voted for change....nice.

Catherine Jaime said...

Sad...But hang in there. And agree with Whimsical Walney, you should save it for a future time...

kathleen said...

Hey, check out that clean desk! See! There's one positive element to CPSIA! Now I have to figure out what my problem is, I don't have a cleared horizontal surface anywhere.

Seriously, save that hun. You should frame it as a memorial.