In case you were wondering, the October First Fridays went much better than the September one; I sold about three times as much. Then from Florence, the girls and I traveled with my mom and dad to North Carolina. We visited the Emerald Hollow Mine. We didn't find any emeralds, but we found some other "pretty rocks", as Lydia says, and it was good muddy fun. On the way back, we stopped at the Cherokee Indian reservation and took Newfound Gap Road over the Smoky Mountains. It was rainy, so the photos are not the best. But the whole trip was great fun and I'm glad we went.
I'll leave you with this: One of my favorite things this summer has been this jar on the back porch. When we walk to the mailbox or just poke around outside, we pick a few flowers to keep it stocked. I'm going to miss it this winter.
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