Saturday, September 25, 2010

checking in

So where have I been, you ask?

Well, I told you about the awful cold, and the muscadine picking. Then there was jelly making - our vines gave us enough muscadines for two batches of jelly. That's a total of 16 half-pints and one pint!

Then there was a week-long trip to Gatlinburg and points east; my normal post-trip headache which lasted 3 days this time; and more sinus/allergy issues after that.

And of course homeschool on top of all that, complete with art lessons and science experiments and field trips and such.

So while there have been stories to tell, I've had no time and energy to write and/or photograph them. My apologies.

I hesitate to say it, but I hope things will get back to normal soon. (The reason I hesitate is that whenever I say that, something else pops up!) But really, this time, things must get back to normal. Or as normal as they get around here. ;)


Anonymous said...

I am just glad you are back home, and you got all this stuff out of your to start all over again. LOL

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

I've missed you! Welcome back! :-)